The term "CAPTCHA" was created in 2000 by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas J. Hopper of Carnegie Mellon University.
CAPTCHA code was created to stop automated computer spam robots from filling out forms, harvesting email addresses, and then sending out countless spam emails. |
CAPTCHA is an acronym for:
Turing-test to tell
Computers and
| |
The CAPTCHA security image works by asking the website visitor to type in a code they see correctly.
A human can do this, but an automated computer
program cannot. |
This is why just about all the big, well known websites are using them, like MSN,Yahoo, Google, Craigslist, and countless others.
| With our Web Forms 3.0, you get 20 different Security Code Styles, and our CAPTCHAs are re-sizable too.
Just use the included Web Form Designer. learn more |
Now, you have the opportunity to use the same anti-spam web form security
method as "The Big Sites" use to stop spam completely.