Google over the past few years has flexed all their muscles against Facebook however have failed miserably. Over the past year we have N number of news about a new Social networking site from Google and probably Google was so god damn afraid of Facebook, They kept denying the news.


Finally yesterday Google gathered all the courage it had and officially launched Google+ or Google Plus. So what does Google+ has to offer to beat Facebook at its own game and to persuade users to quit one and opt another.

I have studied the features that Google + has to offer. Google + According to many is a mix of the best the internet has to offer. Here’s the list of Features Google + has to offer.

  • Circles = does what Facebook does, however in a different way, you can now make group of people you want to share information with. E.g.. If you want to share some work related information you do with that group only.

Sparks = Google reader, where you can subscribe to newsletter and instant information is forwarded to the subscribers.

Hangouts = Live video conversations with multiple friends at once.

Instant Uploads = Something Like Microsoft Sky Drive. Pictures you clicked on the phone can be stored on Cloud Drive.

Huddle = Group Chat

My analysis is that all the above features look pretty cool on papers however Google + Does not offer any thing new that is not available on the internet. What made Facebook and twitter a hit was its simplicity, however making 10 different groups and sharing separate information itself sounds a bit confusing for people who are not very comfortable with computers.

Only time will tell the fate of Google +, we can only sit back and speculate the possibilities it has to offer.