Hackers group 'Anonymous' threatens cyber attack on Fullerton police

Monday, August 22, 2011 // by Hacking Beast Editor // Labels: , , // 0 comments

The shadowy hackers group calling itself "Anonymous" has threatened cyber attacks against the Fullerton Police Department in retaliation for the death of a homeless mentally ill man after a violent confrontation with police last month, the department's public information officer confirmed late Saturday.
In a letter sent to the Police Department and distributed on the Internet, the group announced the start of Operation Fullerton at midday Saturday, saying it would avenge the death of Kelly Thomas by treating the police information technology "with as much mercy as was shown Kelly Thomas."
"This is not just a brutal attack against another human being, but an attack against human rights," said the rambling letter that demanded the prosecution of five Fullerton officers reportedly involved in the beating of Thomas during a routine check on a car break-in report.
Fullerton police and city authorities were taking the threat seriously and have deployed the city's information technology staff to secure computers and electronic communications and monitor the systems for any intrusions, said Sgt. Andrew Goodrich.
"Like most municipalities we are very electronically integrated and have a significant number of computers and computer systems," said Goodrich, noting that no sabotage or disruptions have been detected. "It's definitely something we are taking seriously and doing everything we can to make sure our facilities are secure."

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