Worlds largest social network - Facebook DNS info leaked by Anony Srilanka

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 // by Hacking Beast Editor // Labels: , , , // 0 comments

Anony Srilanka has exposed the DNS information of the worl's largest social network  - facebook . Each and every confidential information has been laked by Anonymous hackers group!!

More Info : Here 

Message from hackers to the world :

" To Facebook Assholes - If you want to run a Social Network - do it as it is as a real guys. Don't try be smart asses. You are the most stupid and notorious fuckheads ever. The way you control and treat to your members are not acceptable under any circumstances.

But we don't care who you are and what you do. Do not BLOCK the people and do not CONTROL them. Where is your fucking FREEDOM or the SOCIALISM. Censorship = Freedom (Don't try to change the meaning of the wordings). Let the people have their own freedom on the social networks. This is hack against your fuckhead censorship.......

We are Anonymous
We are legon
We donot forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.

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